Angela Su proudly presents: Lauren O—The Greatest Levitator in the Polyhedric Cosmos of Time
9 June - 8 October 2023, M+
The exhibition stages Su’s research about Lauren O, an enigmatic figure with the power of levitation who played an instrumental role in the 1960s anti-war movement in the United States. Featuring a collection of her notes and study models, the exhibition illustrates Lauren O’s obsession with transformation and levitation.
See more about the exhibition at M+
Installation view at M+. Photo by Lok Cheng, M+, Hong Kong
徐世琪隆重呈現:宇宙最強之懸浮者——Lauren O
此為徐世琪代表香港參加第59屆威尼斯視藝雙年展的展覽,因應M+場地空間的特質,以全新面貌與觀眾見面。現場展示了徐世琪對Lauren O的研究──Lauren O是一位具有懸浮能力的傳奇人物,在1960年代美國反戰運動中扮演舉足輕重的角色。透過Lauren O的筆記和研究模型,觀眾得以一窺她對轉化和懸浮的迷戀。