Freya Chou is a curator and editor born in Taipei, Taiwan

Chou co-curated Taipei Biennial 2023 together with Brian Kuan Wood and Reem Shadid. In 2022, she served as a member of the 58th Carnegie International’s Curatorial Council and Guest Curator of Hong Kong’s participation in the 59th Venice Biennale (2022). She joined the curatorial team of the 6th and 7th Taipei Biennial (2008, 2010) and was Co-Curator of the 10th Shanghai Biennial (2014). From 2015 to 2019, she worked at Para Site in Hong Kong as the institution’s inaugural Curator of Education and Public Programmes. During those four years, she curated exhibitions, including Ellen Pau: What About Home Affairs?— A Retrospective (2018), Chris Evans, Pak Sheung Chuen: Two Exhibitions (2017), and Afterwork (co-curator, 2016). Chou has worked with several organizations on research projects and has also edited and contributed writing to many artist books, magazines, and exhibition catalogs.

In 2023, she co-founded Premium Economy, a cultural service office that creates English and Chinese publications for the people and institutions shaping contemporary culture.


2023年她與穆柏安、Reem Shadid共同策劃第13屆台北雙年展,她也是第58屆卡內基國際展(Carnegie International, 2022)的策展委員成員之一,並於同年擔任香港參加第59屆威尼斯雙年展的客座策展人。 2008至2014 年間,她參與第6屆與第7屆台北雙年展的策展團隊,並擔任第10屆上海雙年展的協同策展人。2015至2019 年,她擔任香港 Para Site 藝術空間首位教育與公眾計畫策展人,負責策劃年度國際研討會並開設新銳藝術人才工作坊,為 Para Site 極具指標性的教育計畫。她在任職期間同時策劃展覽包括:「當家當當家–鮑藹倫回顧展」(2018)、「Chris Evans、白雙全—雙個展」(2017),以及偕同策劃「工餘」(2016)。近期她與許多機構合作研究計畫也從事許多出版物的編輯工作,並在藝術期刊及展覽專輯發表文章。

2023年她成立Premium Economy,為一致力於製作中、英文藝術書籍的編務工作室。